Lost in Delhi and another stories...
the way vas long, almost ten hours in plane.We flew through Vienna Another word. Everything wearswears in black leather everybody's worn leather on body.I've tried to speak in english with Artur.successful, isn't it? Who knows?
A lot of speeches about an air crushes within we took of the ground.After We've reached a driver of hostel's taxi named Phakri, got us into as old and destroyed car as possible and hit the road.That's a buuuuumpy ride. He did not pull up the van on the lights, we heard just horns from every crazy car we met and from our ruined vehicle.About 2 at mornig and guys in a truck-without LIGHTS.
"here we are Sir, Did i ride good?"
"Yea that's a bumpy ride man otherwise you're a good driver!"
"Thank Yu, Sir,yu give me a tip?!"
The hostel "Smyle inn" is good I guess.
A bit busy day today. We wanted to wake up early.Impossible maaan!!We catched latest breakfasťbout 10 then hit the road to the streets.We're livin close to Main Bazaar. Life here is everywhere dude.That's nice."take a look cyclerikshaw there...and there, that place."We've catched one to ride to Laxmi Narayan Temple, turn back to Pahar Ganj-Main Bazaar."Hey man, can you fetch us to Raj Ghat?"
"Yes Sir, hundreed rupees Sir"
"How much you say?Eighty?"
"No Sir, nineghty"
"Eighty...Last offer!"
"Okay, take a seat"
It is this, it is this, it is this..."
-Amir Khusro
"So guys, we're at the END of story, I'm a regular guider, look this is my ID you're GIVING me 6 hundred bucks!"
"Why did not you tell us earlier?Could it be FOUR HUNDREd?"
"No Sir,6 hundred or 10 dollars"
Last day in Delhi.Sometimes i contemplate where is the sense of being?You knoww all the mess on streets here, people slepping in a corner there, a big white dog with huge udder scratches ground, all these bananas in a teapots."HAREK, HAREK, HAREK." Street seller, a man of desire, would sell, buy, rent, lend the kingdom of heaven."Would you love?I've got all colours just say.Yellow-OK."
I got used them.It's become a game. Street game where you're a lurer if you know what you want. Sometimes I feel my fellow's unsatisfied with allthings he sees.Like he doesn't take a life is life.Twists around self only. What to say more the last day here runs quiet fast noise comming deeper to my soul to bear together with.
a traveling day's before us. We've packed up early, tip a reception guy and hit the road with hired taxi earlier then i expected buddy, at half past 4.The train from Anand Vihar to Haldwani rides 5 hours We're reaching rail station soon but train's ALLREADY there I' m smoking my first cigarete today. Actually I'm lying you that's second.Trains of India are even better than Regiojet they offer you a newspaper, tea twice time, lunch,snack and you don't have to pay only if want to do it.
Country side behind windows' sad sometimes bright. Fields haze over self into a slight mist just the sun shines through. Next city, Haldwani, came prety fast, cyklo and autorickshaw had surrounded us."Taxi, Sir?"from one side"woul you love texi?"...We had reached Kotabagh by a local bus after a long way I met a farmer just small guy,almost evrybody is a size of Artur except a taller one sized like me, he wanted to meet us in near village to Kotabagh but we did not meet him ultimately.
Sitting in such
take a look - small busss
with local men there!
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