On the NORTH
let that music play chummerIt is same every time.
At the start you're happy, you' re crying at the end.
Time to leave is coming.
It has been a loong ride to the north BEHIND the polar circle.
" hmmm, very comfortable for my backside, Joe! "
"take a seat there are ours"
"hmm, very comfortable for my backside, Joe! "
"Yaya, here we spent a lot of time
uuu take it easy..."
It wasn't a bumpy ride as I expected. The trains in Norway are quiet and quite fast. We're reached a snowy kingdom far on the north, the city called Bodø.
Actually there weren't so cold i've
heard about but enough. We met a
lot of people, many faces emerged
from the murk.A Fellow traveller
has become a friend of us.
Some stories belonged to creation of human being, to the
gods of hinduism and their artefacts, something about Norway.
What else, what next? We visited an aircraft
museum that's been full of military crafts,
weapons and the bomb whose brother was
dropped on Hiroshima.
I'm feeling energy even when it is only a dummy
machine, the energy flows round the cirle, circle of
That's crazy we're spendin almost 15 hours in the train back to south, to Oslo. The biggest city welcomes us with leftover of snow.
People walk as inside of huge ant-hill we all are blood the blood flows in veins of that huge city of light.
We give life to cities all around the world.
You can feel power from the streets
there! can be surrounded by hookers and
all these people that go somewhere run
SOMEWHERE to better world.The true
Oslo is not huge city but HUGE town
with heart.
The seafront was filled by people within the last night. I'm just kidding a flood of folk flows everywhere, every fucking street crackled in the seams coloured sparklers fireworks the smiles appears under the open sky CALM
In itty bitty-
that apartment wandered off -
town is lovely shining !
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