Mist and noise
hit the road. It already came.Last 15 days, or first?We boarded for a
bus. 3 hours road elapsed. A landscape´s just zooming past when
you´re sitting with woman like she is.
waiting at an airport, oh that waiting. You´re waiting, sitting and
driveling the craps.The
girls had arrived, the meeting with Lid(v)ia and Michelle and a beer
was drank immediately. Even We had better dude...
is rather small TOWN then the royal town from the old days. The
narrow alleys wind towards to the centre, perhaps all. You´ll
find a smashing fish market full of all these diferent sea creatures
to that breakwatrer- ship
in distance!
got sloshed. At the waterfront. Girls have brought a Tatra tea, a
jolly good that booze.Then we´re walking around a part of town, that
rhytm swallows you afterwards. We scrambled up to Fløibanen, one of
the seven peaks surround the town and also view yard.
Once upon a time this part had been separated by imaginary line from the rest, the local gentlemen ( the Hanseatic traders, mostly Germanic origin) DID NOT have to date with local girsl. Two tousand
the traders and the sailors from Germany.
acros a road...
In harbour-
peewets eat langoustes
throw them!
Oslo train station, seven at morning and we, still sleepy eyes from the train (we´ve kiped all the way from Bergen) have shaken out to the full station, said goodbye to Livia and walked on.Towards to Ankers hostel. The path is sooo long especially when you have ton of bullshits on back, we dived into park and brought that BOTTLE into the end, although I was calling to the hostel if can we reach immediately in the morning. Ultimately we hauled ourselves around two o´clock.
Oslo is a fine city. All these big streets full of life, flood of people what flows to and fro like blood in the veins what sweeps you with it even if you want or not. You´re stopping occasionally, sitting down and just thinking about the stories.Well that cutie there at the corner, nice tities girl!Or this Pole there “KURWA”(something like whore).
Well, trip with a boat to the Fjords has been fantastic. Reeeest. Water murmurs and you´re perceiving IT. Ah, we´ve had some girl there, from Italy or what, and they´re singing, something like a mixed choar. Folks bitch about all the time. “ Shut up, you better go do drugs”...
Sand just fingers
very lightly wraps -
smell of flood!
We´ve also ran around a few galleries, the paintings what are really divine. Munch and his “scream” in two versions , some of Picasso and Gaugin. A bit of Monet and Manet. Some sculptures of Gustav Vigeland and Vigeland´s park. That is also full of his sculptures, the statues of men as well as women frozen within motion.
One MOMENT is AEON, AEON is included in each MOMENT...
We´d strolled few days like this and ultimately we´re finished at the airport.
P.s. thank You for some of these photographies, Slavka.
P.s.s. thanx you all my models :-)
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